A new report states that the annual moose hunt has great socio-economic benefits and provides moose meat worth NOK 250 million annually.
The recreational value of excitement, social community, and nature experiences means more to the moose hunters than the value of the moose meat.
Furthermore, there’s also the benefit of the health effects of the almost 60,000 hunters.
All in all, moose hunting in Norway has a socio-economic value of NOK 1.1 billion.
Conservative estimates
The data is based on conservative estimates of the health effects, according to reports prepared by Menon Economics on behalf of Statskog, which is the country’s largest manager of hunting and fishing.
“Hunting is about healthy game meat, but also much more, not least recreation and public health.
Harvesting nature’s bounty has always been important, and the figures show that it is at least as important today,” Minister of Agriculture and Food Olaug Bollestad (KrF) noted.
In addition to the value of the elk meat, the study has looked at what the moose hunters are willing to pay for the hunting experience in addition to the hunting expenses.
Impact on health
This consumer profit is estimated at NOK 376 million for the hunting season of 2019-2020.
Finally, reports have calculated the impact the physical part of moose hunting has on health.
A survey among hunters showed that 5.5% of moose hunters go from being inactive to being partially active as a result of moose hunting.
The total health effect is thus estimated to be NOK 615 million.
Values related to meat, physical health, and other factors are thus estimated at a total of 1.24 billion.
These values do not overlap, and the total value is estimated at NOK 1.1 billion.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
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