Engineers warn of risk of flood damage in towns and villages in Southern Norway

Photo: Fredrik Hagen / NTB

Heavy rain is expected in Southern Norway, and the Consulting Engineers’ Association warns that the rapid melting of ice and snow can lead to flooding in densely populated areas.

Heavy rain is expected from Wednesday, especially in Western Norway.

“If we get very fast snowmelt, there will be a risk of local floods in densely populated areas,” Bård Alsaker, the leader of the association’s expert group in water and environmental engineering, warned.

Road ditches and drains in densely populated areas are in some places covered by extremely hard, frozen snow. Thus, the water could end up flooding roads.

That could lead to local floods and water-related damage. 

“We, therefore, recommend that homeowners make an assessment of their properties and check how the snowmelt will affect their property,” Alsaker added.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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