The Progress Party’s immigration spokesperson Mazyar Keshvari believes that UDI Frode Forfang goes too far in stating his opinion on immigration policy.
In an interview with the newspaper Dagens Næringsliv last week Forfang said that soon there will be “demands and expectations” for the national border controls to be removed. Earlier on, he advocated a major reform of the international asylum system.
– UDI director ought to concentrate on his job here in Norway instead of acting like a foreign policy commentator, Keshvari says to Klassekampen.
He added that the negotiations with Turkey is not a part of Forfang’s field of work and reminds the UDI director that Norway is a sovereign state.
– Forfang ought to remember this and not make any interpretations on what an eventual agreement with Turkey will involve for Norwegian border, says Keshvari, who thinks the border controls should be maintained.
The UDI boss says to Klassekampen that he does not want to enter into a debate with a parliamentary politician and emphasizes that it is up to the government to consider how Norway should respond to the developments in Europe.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today