Gay activists said that neo-Nazis in DNM are photographing them and monitoring them during events. They create fear said ‘Skeiv Ungdom Østfold’.
Leader, Kristoffer Mathisen, of Skeiv Ungdom Østfold told Dagsavisen newspaper that the ‘gay haters’ have become more organized.
‘’It’s not just random. If we have public events, The Nordic Resistance Movement is there to photograph us and map out who is there. They
are very busy’’ he said.
In a recent report prepared by the umbrella organization for LGBTI organizations in Europe, ILGA Europe, a survey referred to neo-Nazis
photographing gays in Norway at parades.
The Anti-Racist Center have also noted these activities.
DNM have previously marched in Østfold with the slogan “hug the homo lobby” (knus homolobbyen). On Saturday, the Pride parade
was held in Oslo and other Norwegian cities.
Mathisen said that the neo-Nazi organization spreads fear among young gays.
‘’When I’m out in town with friends, we look around. I have become more careful about how I behave, because DNM follows us’’ said
Dagsavisen have contacted the spokesman for the DNM after the demonstrations this autumn. He has not answered the inquiries.
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