Germany pauses use of AstraZeneca vaccines

Angela MerkelPhoto: AP Photo / Markus Schreiber, Pool

Germany is pausing the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine for the time being while reports of cases of blood clots are being investigated.

On Monday, the German Ministry of Health announced that the decision was taken as a precaution and on the German National Vaccine Inspectorate’s advice, which requested the further investigation of the blood clot cases.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has to decide “whether and how the information will affect the vaccine’s authorization,” the statement from the Ministry of Health stated.

The World Health Organization (WHO) believes the vaccine can still be used. 

The company AstraZeneca emphasizes that there are no more cases of blood clots among the vaccinated than in the general population.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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2 Comments on "Germany pauses use of AstraZeneca vaccines"

  1. Andy Wilson | 16. March 2021 at 13:22 | Reply

    Well, you couldn’t make up this sorry story of EU vaccination policy . Nearly every vaccination decision made by the EU has been flawed. Slow or unscientific, inefficient or dogma based.
    Eu was 3 months slow to order the vaccines and 1 – 2 month slow to approve them when the scientific data had cleared them as effective ( Pfizer and AstraZeneca ) AZ is fine for even the elderly (with an AZ vaccinated group in the U.K. of 17 million already, most of whom are over 60s. )
    EU public relations have also been deplorable. None of these doubts bandied about by European heads of state or hospitals have been based on statistics. Blood clots for AZ vaccinated folk are far lower than would hold for the UNvaccinated population.
    The EU vaccine rollout seems to be based on national-equality dogma, in other words -each country is being restricted to a vaccination pace similar to the others except maybe for Denmark. So the pace of vaccination
    has been deplorable thru-out, compared to other similar, independent countries.
    Apparently deliberate broadcasting of unscientific political ( or occasionally medical !) slurs on the AZ Vaccine
    will work Europe woe. This third wave of infections in the EU was not necessary, and Europe’s economy, reputation and integrity will suffer.
    Norway seems to have linked itself to the EU on vaccination policy. IF SO – NORWAY – WAS THAT A GOOD DECISION ?

  2. Michaela Spandow | 16. March 2021 at 13:54 | Reply

    A very, very bad decision!
    I am 77 years, and am diabetic. I have 7 grandkids that I can not see. And I, like many others,
    Still waiting to get the Vaxine. This is unprofesional.!

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