The government wishes to simplify the rules for expulsion of asylum seekers who have been refused stay in Norway.
‘The proposal we will be hearing will cause more people than today to get a detention order at the same time as they receive a rejection of their asylum application. It won’t affect the actual assessment of the need for protection,’ said Justice, Emergency and Immigration Minister, Sylvi Listhaug of Fremskrittsparti (Frp) in a press release.
The amendment, which has now been sent for consultation, is about to enter a new legal basis for expulsion in all cases where a foreign national has been refused an
application for asylum and has not been allowed to stay due to strong humane considerations.
‘Today, immigration authorities must not affect asylum cases in order to make a decision on expulsion. As a result, case processing takes longer. It is absolutely unnecessary’, said Listhaug.
It was the Immigration Directorate (UDI) that proposed the change to the government.
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