“As long as the smaller parties stand by their demands, there will be a historic shift in oil policy after the elections,” Greenpeace Norway leader Frode Pleym said after the Christian Democratic Party’s (KrF) Saturday decision.
On Saturday, at the KrF’s national meeting, the party agreed to only support new oil exploration in connection with fields where oil is already being produced.
Greenpeace is pleased that the KrF is following the decision to stop oil exploration supported by the Liberal Party (V), the Socialist Left Party (SV), the Green Party (MDG), and the Red Party (Rødt).
“As long as the smaller parties stand by their demands, there will be a historic shift in oil policy after the election,” Pleym, leader of Greenpeace Norway, wrote in an email to news bureau NTB.
Pleym believes that new oil exploration often takes place due to a “very generous oil tax system.”
“On top of this comes the corona support to the oil industry, which costs taxpayers billions. You do not have to be an environmental activist to understand that oil policy must be adapted to the challenges we as a society face,” Pleym noted.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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