Bergen is struggling with high air pollution for the past two days.
The city council in Bergen will not increase the toll but has asked the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen) to consider measures.
In the case of high air pollution (red level) for two consecutive days, the city council may decide to introduce impediments such as increased toll or data driving. This was the case on Tuesday, where the air pollution in Bergen was measured at the red level.
The city council had announced in advance that a five-fold rush hour fee could be introduced to curb traffic, but on Tuesday they chose not to increase the toll fee because the air pollution would reduce on Wednesday.
On Wednesday afternoon, however, measurements of air quality showed again red in several places in the city, according to Bergens Tidende. Despite this, the city council will not introduce any of the remedies. “The most effective measures against road dust are the responsibility of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration and they are advised to follow up”, writes city councilor Julie Andersland (V) in a text message to Bergens Tidene.
Also in Oslo, high air pollution was measured on Wednesday.
© NTB Scanpix / Norway Today
Awesome work for the air pollution in the homes and in the air, great solution you give to us, i like your work, please keep it up.