Imam charged with violence against his family

MosqueIllustration: Mosque

An imam from a mosque in Drammen has been charged with violence against his wife and their three children.


The Imam was arrested last April and charged with familial violence.On Monday, the trial of the man in his 40’s will begin wrote Drammens Tidende newspaper
According to the accusation, the man, who has been imprisoned during the investigation, had hit and threatened the children on several occasions.The newspaper wrote that the wife had been beaten at least once, and had been regularly threatened with beating.Everyone had been threatened to be sent to the father’s home country.

The charges he is accused with have a criminal sentence of six years applicable.

“He has done a good job for us. We do not have any information about violence, so we were very surprised when we learned why he did not get to work,’’ a spokesman for the mosque told Drammens Tidende.

He believes they had done what they could to check the imam’s background.

“Since he was from abroad, he could not deliver police certificates, but we checked references. What he does privately we can not know,’’ said the spokesperson.
The Imam’s defence lawyer, Øivind Sterri, would not comment on the indictment.


© NTB scanpix / #Norway Today

1 Comment on "Imam charged with violence against his family"

  1. i want to know the details and updates of the case please.

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