Initial 2021 election forecasts: Norway’s climate parties perform below expectations

Photo: Annika Byrde / NTB

The three climate parties – the Green Party, the Socialist Left Party, and the Liberal Party – are likely to get less support than the opinion polls suggested in the election campaign.

After the UN’s third climate report was released, this year’s election was dubbed by many as a “climate election.” The SV, MDG, and Venstre registered a lot of support in opinion polls. But according to forecasts at 10:45 PM on election night, both the MDG and the Liberal Party are fighting to reach the 4% threshold.

This is the current outlook for the climate parties: SV 7.51% (+1.4% from the election in 2017), MDG 3.98% (+0.7%), and the Liberal Party 4.36%.

“We do not know if we will cross the threshold, so it will be an exciting evening. We already know now that this is our best parliamentary election result ever,” MDG party leader Une Bastholm said.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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