Islam Net uses SIAN’s Koran-burning footage in fundraising campaign, receives millions of kroner

Photo: Torstein Bøe / NTB

Islam Net, a Salafi Islamic organization in Norway, has received several million kroner from supporters after using SIAN’s Koran burning as an argument to get support.

Islam Net’s leader Fahad Qureshi told the newspaper Klassekampen that they could only thank SIAN leader Lars Thorsen for being able to buy new prayer rugs and upgrade their Islamic center.

After two demonstrations in April, where SIAN first set fire to the Koran outside Stovner police station and then the following week outside Islam Net’s premises, Islam Net chose to use SIAN’s own video of the Koran burning in a fundraising campaign for its Islamic center.

Successful fundraising

A week later, just under NOK 1.2 million had been received, and now the sum has increased to more than NOK 2.7 million.

Fahad Qureshi told the newspaper that the idea behind the fundraising is, among other things, to show young people that there are better ways to respond to Koran burning than to act out.

SIAN leader Lars Thorsen also commented on the fundraising initiative. 

“There is a lot of money in these environments, and they manage to collect it without me having burned any Koran,” he stated.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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