Jørn Eggum wants to discontinue au-pair scheme

Oslo.Head of fellesforbundet Jørn Eggum.Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB scanpix

The leader of the Fellesforbundet, Jørn Eggum, called the ‘au-pair scheme’ modern slavery that does not belong in Norwegian working life.

In an interview with VG newspaper, Eggum attacked the scheme wherein an au pair lives at home with a family and works up to five hours a day with cleaning and child care for board, lodging, and pocket money.

‘’There were certainly reasonable reasons why the scheme was established in its time as a cultural exchange. That time is long gone,’’ said Eggum, who leads LO’s largest union in the private sector, Fellesforbundet.

He said Parliament should abolish the scheme when the 3,000 au pairs in the country today have completed their stay.

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Most au pairs are Fillipinos

Most in Norway who are au pairs today are from the Philippines.

The rich on Oslo’s western edge get housekeeping and child care at a cheap price. It’s a gigantic paradox, that those who have more than enough money to pay for this kind of help let it pass. It is quite possible to hire cleaners, cooks, and childminders at a regulated Norwegian salary said, Eggum.

He also sent a message to Justice Minister, Jøran Kallmyr of Fremskrittsparti (Frp).

‘’In principle, I mean that he and other government leaders should be embarrassed by using this arrangement,’’ Eggum said.

Read also

Minister of Justice’s au pair worked illegally?
The lawyer of Kallmyr’s au pair criticises the UDI
75 days in prison for the exploitation of au pairs
How to become an Au Pair in Norway

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2 Comments on "Jørn Eggum wants to discontinue au-pair scheme"

  1. I want to apply as au pair in Europe countries can u help me how? Thank u so much.

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