Key facts and figures about the parliamentary elections in Norway

Norwegian flagPhoto: Max van den Oetelaar / Unsplash

Voting for the parliamentary elections takes place, throughout the country, today. Can prisoners vote in Norway? What role does the king have? And who appoints the Nobel Committee? Read on for all the essential facts and figures about election day, voting, and the Norwegian parliament (Storting).

Polls open to 9 PM, even prisoners can vote

  • There are 1.975 voting locations open throughout the country today
  • Opening hours can vary but all have to close at 9:00 PM.
  • 159 out of 356 municipalities have decided to be open on two polling days (Sunday, September 12 and Monday, September 13).
  • More Norwegians than ever have taken up the option to vote in advance.
  • Polling stations are often found in libraries, schools and town halls but it also possible to vote in prisons, nursing homes and on military bases.
  • There has been a 120,000 increase in the number of people eligible to vote since the last election, numbering now 3.9 million.
  • Turnout was 78.6% in the last election with 36% of voters voting in advance. This year’s election should see that advance voting figure increase.
  • All votes are counted multiple times by the municipalities.

The changing nature of constituencies

  • The Norwegian Constitution specifies that the country shall be divided into 19 voting districts.
  • Since the 1950s, the fylke (counties) have made up each voting district.
  • A regional reform act in 2017 transformed the 19 fylker into 11 regioner (regions).
  • A committee was set up to look at a number of issues in the Electoral Act, including the division of the constituencies in the country but thought the reforms and divisions worked well for all the country.

The 166th Storting

  • Elections today will be for the compisition of the 166th Storting.
  • The 1st Storting was established back in 1814 after Norway’s union with Sweden.
  • The 166th Storting will commence working on October 1.
  • October 9 sees a new president of the Storting elected.
  • This is also the date where the 37 members of the Nomination Committee are elected. They appoint representatives to a number of committees including defense and foreign policy.
  • Nominations for the Nobel Committee are also made on this date.
  • The king officially opens the Storting on October 11.
  • The first proper working day of the Storting begins at 10:00 AM on October 12.
  • The fall session of this year’s parliament will end on December 21.

A friendly reminder to bring identification with you if you are voting today.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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