Man charged with murder and attempted murder in Molde

Photo: Kjell Langmyren / NTB

A man in his 20s is charged with the murder and rape of his former spouse in Molde. He is also charged with the attempted murder of two other people, according to the indictment, Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK) reports. 

The court case starts on May 10, and eleven days have been set aside for it.

The man is charged with the murder and rape of his ex-wife and for attempting to kill a father and a son immediately afterward. He is also accused of violence against a third person.

The incidents took place in November 2021, and the police moved out to two different crime scenes. The woman was found dead on one, while several people were present, including one seriously injured person, on the other.

Gross violence

According to the indictment, the man has used gross violence against several of the victims. 

“It is a very serious indictment. There is a woman who was killed, and in addition, a very brutal attack on a family in Molde,” police attorney Inger Myklebust said.

The man in his 20s has previously said that he does not remember what happened and has not pleaded guilty to the murder. 

He has also been through a forensic psychiatric examination.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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