A man in his 50s had his hand torn off in an accident during a May 17 salute in Mysen police said. A man in his 20s was also slightly injured.
The man in his 50s was sent to Ullevål Hospital by air ambulance where he was operated on at 14.30 on Friday.
‘’There is talk of him tearing off a hand or arm. The other person, a man in his 20s, was driven to the hospital in Østfold with superficial injuries’’ said operations manager, Ronny Samuelsen of Eastern
police district to NTB news.
The police received notification of the accident at 12.03 on Friday. The accident occurred in connection with saluting May 17 at Høytorp fort in Mysen.
The injured man handled the ammunition, and the police have no information that the public had been in danger.
‘’A charge went off during the actual loading of the canon’’ said Samuelsen.
The police have blocked the area for forensic investigations and results are pending from the Armed Forces.
The Armed Forces will assist in finding where the salute ammunition comes from, securing the area, and removing remaining ammunition in the area confirmed spokesperson, Ivar Moen at the Norwegian
Defense’s operational command to VG newspaper.
Høytorp fort is Norway’s largest domestic fortress and was built between 1912 to 1918. A 21 gun salute happens at the fort on May 17. The Association for Høytorp are responsible for the saluting.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today