Many Norwegians are worried about staffing levels in the health service, new survey shows

NursePhoto: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB

According to a new survey, many Norwegians are worried that staffing levels in health services could affect patient safety.

Health care services are still considered one of the biggest challenges in Norway, according to the Health Policy Barometer 2022 from Kantar, which was presented on Thursday.

Health services were pointed out as the most important issue when the survey was conducted in January. 56% of the respondents then answered that this was the most important challenge. Still, over the spring, other issues, such as increasing social differences and climate change, have taken over. 

Staffing issues

When it comes to the political priorities within health policy, there are many people who are concerned about health personnel. When asked what the government should prioritize in health policy, these are the three points most people state:

* Adequate health personnel with the right competence (49%)

* Offer for mental health and drug treatment (18%)

* Renewing, simplifying, and improving the health service (9%)


Views on whether health services are the most important challenge in the future vary between the regions. 

They are considered more important among the elderly than younger people. In the group of people who are over 60 years of age, the case is a top priority.

The population has also become more positive towards private actors, according to the survey. Half of the respondents see it as positive that it is possible to pay for health services in the private sector. 

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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