Merck claims its experimental corona medicine can halve hospitalizations and deaths

Photo: Merck & Co. via AP

An experimental pill tested on coronavirus-infected people can halve the risk of hospitalization and deaths, according to drug manufacturer Merck.

The study was published by Merck and its partner Ridgeback Biotherapeutics and has not been peer-reviewed.

A total of 775 adults in the risk groups who had mild to moderate symptoms participated in the study. People receiving the drug molnupiravir received it within five days of the onset of being infected. 

Of the participants who took the real pill, 7.3% were hospitalized, compared with 14.1% of those who received a pill without active ingredients.

“The medicine surpasses what I thought was possible at this stage of the study,” Vice President for research at Merck, Dean Li, said.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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