Experts promised a beautiful, exceptional sight and blood-red moon from 21.30 on Friday when a rare total eclipse of the moon would begin.People had to wait.
It was announced in advance that the total eclipse would begin at 21.30 and last until 23.13, and that the moon would probably have a beautiful red colour.
“The eclipse on Friday will be a particularly impressive sight, both because of the duration and because the moon is low above the horizon,’’ promised science facilitator, Anne Mette Sannes, who together with astrophysicist Knut Jørgen Røed Ødegaard runs the website.
It turned out that the waiting time was a little longer than expected for many expectant waiting around, with and without camera equipment. They had to wait up to several hours before they saw anything, and the moon was quite high in the sky and not really so red the first hours either.
No matter how you feel about the experience of it all, it was a historic event as it’s 105 years until the next time such a long-lasting total moon eclipse occurs.
A full moon sets over Petronas Twin Tower during a complete lunar eclipse in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, July 28, 2018. Skywatchers around much of the world are looking forward to a complete lunar eclipse that will be the longest this century.(AP Photo/Yam G-Jun)
Red moon
The possibilities for a red moon depends on the atmospheric conditions. Large amounts of ash and soot particles can cause the moon to become less bright, without the red colour coming in.
Much depends, of course, on where in the world one is, and Norway’s relatively bright summer nights may not be optimal to see an atmospheric light phenomenon with colour tones on the moon.
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