Between 106 and 108 wolves have been documented in Norway and on both sides of the border with Sweden in the current surveillance season.
“24 of them are known to have been killed in the same period. That leaves 82–84 wolves, out of which 33 have an all-Norwegian habitat. The vast majority of wolves have been detected in southeastern Norway in counties with wolf zones,” Jonas Kindberg from Rovdata noted.
Rovdata is responsible for operating, communicating, and developing the Norwegian Large Predator Monitoring Program.
Twelve litters of puppies have been detected. Five of them are in the all-Norwegian territories of Hornmoen, Kynna, Bograngen, Mangen, and Aurskog, all of which are entirely within the wolf zone.
The monitoring season lasts from October 1 to March 31.
Source: © NTB / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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Protect Wolves. They are valuable. They serve an important function in Nature.