New report: Extreme temperatures registered in the Arctic last year

Svalbard icePhoto: Are Føli / NTB

While Europe experienced record heat and extreme rain last year, extreme temperatures were also registered in the Arctic.

Last year, the world’s roof experienced high temperatures, a new report from the EU’s climate monitoring service notes.

The report was published just before a US climate summit, after the EU has agreed on a new climate law with a goal of a 55% emission cut by 2030.

“One region stands out in particular. It was a spectacular year for the Arctic,” research manager Freja Vamborg said.

2020 was the second warmest year in the Arctic’s history. The temperature was 2.2 degrees above the average for 1981-2010 and 3 degrees above the pre-industrialization level.

Throughout the summer and autumn, there was record low sea ice. The report confirms that Europe set a heat record last year with an average temperature that was almost half a degree higher than the second warmest year.

The temperature in Europe was about 2 degrees warmer than it probably would have been in a world without emissions from fossil fuels, the report notes.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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