The Police Immigration Service (PU) have in a brand new letter to the Police Directorate increased the number of forced returns called for by 1,200. This means that escorting 9,000 people is a target for them in 2016.
Last year, PU made a new record with the deportation of 7,825 people – 25 more than the target number of the government.
Neither when the state budget for 2016 was presented, or when the additional number of the budget was presented to capture extra expenses due to the increase of asylum seekers was the target number of 7.800 deportations increased, the newspaper Aftenposten writes.
Justice Minister Anders Anundsen has still increased the target figure of 1,200 people now – without promising more money for PU. This is revealed in the brand new letter of allocation to the Police Directorate.
Immigration Minister Sylvi Listhaug announced in a press conference in January in connection with PUs statistics for 2015, that the numbers might increase in the wake of the record high number of asylum-seekers.
PU-chief Kristin Kvigne has previously said that the news channel NTB that PU has the capacity to achieve the target for 2016, but that it is a challenge.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today