New survey: Seven out of ten people in Oslo want to ban electric scooters on sidewalks

Electric scootersPhoto: Geir Olsen / NTB

A total of 68% of those surveyed in a new survey want to ban driving electric scooters on the sidewalks in Oslo.

In Norway as the whole, the average amounts to 52%, according to a survey YouGov conducted for Trygg Trafikk and Tryg Forsikring.

“From an insurance standpoint, we are extra concerned when almost half of the accidents happen while people are drunk. It can be a costly blow for the person in question, especially if they cause damage and are uninsured,” communications consultant Torbjørn Brandeggen in Tryg Forsikring noted.

On Tuesday, the chief physician from the Oslo Emergency Department presented statistics on injuries with electric scooters. 55% of those who injured themselves on the weekends in Oslo were under the influence of alcohol. The doctors recommended that the rental of scooters be stopped during the night, something several providers have decided to do.

The Norwegian government has introduced a regulation through which a maximum limit of 6 kilometers per hour has been set for electric scooters on sidewalks and a fine of NOK 3,000 if there’s more than one person on the scooter. 

“If we want a real change, we believe that electric scooters must be reclassified to a form of a motor vehicle. That is the better definition. And it would make it easier to introduce other regulations, such as the requirement for a helmet,” communications consultant Christoffer Solstad Steen in Trygg Trafikk noted.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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