Norway calls for vaccine solidarity, says poor countries must get same access to vaccines as rich ones

Coronavirus AfricaPhoto: AP Photo / Nardus Engelbrecht

The Norwegian government is warning against vaccine nationalism, saying it is urgent to ensure that poor countries have the same access to corona vaccines as rich countries.

Minister for Development Aid Dag-Inge Ulstein (KRF) reacted to the fact that several countries are using their purchasing power to move forward in the queue by offering a higher price, at the expense of the global procurement scheme Covax. 

The scheme is intended to ensure that poor countries also have access to the vaccines.

A race to the bottom

“If all countries try to outbid each other in the fight for vaccines, we create an immoral race to the bottom. 

“We have a unique opportunity now to ensure that enough people in all countries are vaccinated, but we must stick to the global approach and not fall for vaccine nationalism that we have warned against for so long,” Ulstein warned.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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