Norway to relax entry rules from July 26. Here are the details

AirportPhoto: AP Photo / Nam Y. Huh

From July 26, the Norwegian government will allow more categories of passengers to travel into Norway.

The relief applies, among other things, to minor children traveling with parents who are exempt from the entry restrictions due to the EU corona certificate.

EEA citizens who are to visit a family member resident in Norway or who travel with a Norwegian family member are now also allowed to enter Norway, the Ministry of Justice wrote in a press release on Friday.

In addition, the relief includes:

* Foreigners who are spouses/registered partners/cohabitants, minors or adult children and stepchildren of Norwegian citizens, when the family lives together abroad, and they travel to Norway with the Norwegian citizen or join him/her in Norway.

* Foreigners who are spouses/registered partners/cohabitants, minors or adult children and stepchildren of traveling EEA citizens who are not resident in Norway, when they travel to Norway with the EEA citizen or join him/her in Norway.

* EEA citizens who are to visit a close family member residing in Norway or travel with a Norwegian family member.

Only corona certificates linked to the EU certificate solution are valid as vaccine certificates. The relief will take effect from midnight on Monday, July 26.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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