The Green Party (MDG) is making the stop of oil exploration in Norway its absolute requirement when it comes to supporting a future government. The elections take place on September 13.
Party leader Une Bastholm announced the news during the MDG’s election campaign start in Oslo on Tuesday.
At the election campaign opening, the MDG presented a new crisis package for the climate with 15 measures the party wants to implement to address the new report from the UN Climate Panel (IPCC).
The MDG has gained over 750 new members since the report was presented on Monday.
The MDG is asking for emissions to be cut by 80% by 2030 and oil exploration to stop immediately.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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Fossil fuel mining, consumption, and pollution must indeed be cut back not just drastically but Draconianly. However, the cutback must be international, proportionate, and verified just like nuclear weapons and other mechanisms of massive self-destruction need to be cut back – not just in Norway.
On the other hand, thanks to being the steward of the Peace Prize, Norway has a special moral obligation to show some leadership on this, and refusing to drill off the Lofotens was one good step.
So Norway should be leading the charge on this in the international forum, especially in the UN Security Council.
As well, the time for environmentally justified international military intervention – like to defend Brazil’s Amazon rain forest, the destruction of which imperils everyone on the planet – has arrived.