The Green Party (MDG) believes it is naive to believe in dialogue and supports the Norwegian boycott of next year’s World Cup in Qatar, newspaper VG writes.
“We have seen it before in connection with the Olympics in China, as well as the Olympics and World Cup in Russia – the authorities use sports to reaffirm themselves.
“The effect is extremely devastating for both sports and the human rights situation in Qatar. Sports should say no to participating in the whitewashing of a dictatorship,” MDG acting party leader Arild Hermstad told the newspaper.
He thinks it is naive to believe in dialogue, which has been the line the Norwegian Football Association (NFF) has taken in the discussion.
In the NFF’s Qatar committee, a majority believes that there shouldn’t be a boycott of next year’s World Cup. The matter will be voted on at an extraordinary meeting on June 20.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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