Norway’s health institute: There is a risk that the mutated coronavirus has spread outside Nordre Follo

Line VoldPhoto: Jil Yngland / NTB

It is very important to follow up on the infection tracing work that has been done in Nordre Follo to get an overview of how the spread may have developed, according to the National Institute of Public Health (FHI).

“This is a serious situation. We know from other countries that this mutation has created challenges. This is important so that we can act quickly, so that we do not get further spread of infection,” department head Line Vold at the FHI told newspaper VG.

On Friday, it became known that two residents of a nursing home in the Nordre Follo Municipality were infected with the mutated variant of the coronavirus from the UK

The FHI does not know if the virus has spread outside the Nordre Follo.

“There is also a risk of that,” Vold said.

A thorough overview

The FHI is following the situation closely. The most important thing now is to get an overview, among other things, by looking at how the Municipality has handled the outbreak, which has been going on for several weeks.

“Work is underway to follow up on the infection tracing work that has been done in the Municipality. 

“So far, all indications are that good work has been done, but to reduce risk further, some general measures will be introduced,” she said.

“I think we will be able to get control of this, but it requires an effort. It is important that we take action,” she noted. 

Source: #Norway Today, #NorwayTodayNews

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