Vinmonopolet, the government-owned alcoholic beverage retailer and the only company allowed to sell beverages containing an alcohol content higher than 4.75% in Norway, should have to offer locally produced beverages, Norway’s Progress Party (FRP) believes.
In addition, products should be marked with awards and prizes, according to the FRP.
“Norwegian manufacturers deliver world-class quality but can’t sell their products in Norway,” the party’s health policy spokesperson Åshild Bruun-Gundersen said.
The FRP has put forward a proposal in the Norwegian parliament (Storting) based on a model from the Swedish Systembolaget where locally produced products are offered.
The party also wants a change in the law to allow labeling on the packaging.
Today, producers are not allowed to disclose prices or awards, nor can they contact Vinmonopolet directly to secure shelf space at their outlets.
“The current alcohol law ensures that Norwegian business and industry loses in the competition against major international players,” Bruun-Gundersen added.
The proposal will be discussed by the Storting’s health and care committee on February 2.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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