In its 2021 election tax plan, the Red Party (Rødt) aims to increase corporate tax. In addition, according to the plan, those who earn less than NOK 600,000 would have to pay lower taxes on their income.
Party leader Bjørnar Moxnes was ironic about his surroundings when he presented the tax plan at the fashionable Hotel Bristol in Oslo on Friday.
Gustav Witzøe, who has spoken negatively about Norwegian tax policy and its consequences for his large fish farming group, was promised a copy of the tax scheme in the mail.
However, the main message was not directed at Witzøe but to the Labor Party (AP) and the Center Party (SP). Rødt wants these parties to drop the tax settlement they entered into with the government in 2016, where they agreed, among other things, to reduce corporate tax to 23%.
“This is a clear demand from Rødt for a new government and a new majority,” Moxnes said.
Instead, Rødt believes that corporate tax should be increased gradually throughout the next parliamentary period by 1% a year to 26% at the end of the period. The purpose of the tax increase is to secure funding for a free dental health scheme for the entire population. Rødt’s calculations show that the increase will give the state extra revenue of NOK 14.8 billion.
The party’s plan is also to lower the income tax for those with incomes below NOK 600,000, which is slightly above the Norwegian average and median salary for full-time workers.
Those who are above this level will receive a small tax increase, while those with an income of more than NOK 2 million or wealth of more than NOK 10 million will receive a large increase. In addition, there is a planned increase in the wealth tax, as well as a number of minor changes.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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