Norway’s United Federation of Trade Unions plans to fight hard for continued oil exploration

Photo: Terje Bendiksby / NTB

The leader of Norway’s United Federation of Trade Unions (Fellesforbundet), Jørn Eggum, is against stopping oil exploration on the Norwegian shelf and has no faith that the Socialist Left Party (SV) will have an impact on oil policy.

In its election campaign, the SV advocated stopping all exploration for new oil and gas, but both the Labor Party (AP) and the Center Party (SP) want to continue exploration activities. If they give in, they will meet anger from Eggum and Fellesforbundet, the newspaper Dagsavisen writes.

Eggum and Fellesforbundet are against compromises that would only entail oil and gas exploration in the so-called mature areas on the shelf. Eggum sits on the AP’s central board and has great influence in shaping the party’s oil policy.

A political signal

“If you say no to exploration, you are also sending out a political signal that (work) on the Norwegian shelf is over. Without exploration, you will find nothing, and without discoveries, there is no development in the industry,” he said.

He made it clear that Fellesforbundet will fight hard for new exploration licenses to be granted through numbered licensing rounds.

Fellesforbundet is Norway’s largest trade union in the private sector, and many of its members work in industry and the oil sector.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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