According to the Norwegian Directorate of Health, the connection between cancer and alcohol intake should be marked on the products.
Warning labeling can be an important tool for increasing knowledge about health risks, the Norwegian Directorate of Health stated in a letter of recommendation to the Ministry of Health and Care Services.
The Directorate recommends putting warnings on the packaging/labels for alcoholic beverages.
Secretary-General Ragnhild Kaski of the organization Av-og-til is pleased with the recommendation.
“Alcohol increases the risk of over 200 diseases, including cancer. People have the right to know that,” she told NTB.
A rule change would be inappropriate, according to Petter Haas Brubakk, CEO of NHO Mat og Drikke. He wants Norway to wait with a potential rule change until the issue is regulated at an EU level.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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