The Labor Party (AP), the Progress Party (FRP), the Center Party (SP), and the Socialist Left Party (SV) have agreed on nine proposals against import infection.
The proposals were presented in the Norwegian parliament (Storting) on Tuesday morning.
Among other things, the parties asked the government to provide mandatory quarantine hotels paid for by employers for working immigrants when employers cannot provide satisfactory quarantine solutions for workers.
They also asked the government to remove the scheme that allows for testing in the municipality 24 hours after arrival in Norway.
The opposition also warned that sufficient test capacity has to be made available at the airports so that testing can take place at the airport on arrival.
“I think quite a few people in Norway are provoked by the fact that we who live here have to live under quite strict restrictions, while there is no control at the borders and (no control of) those who enter the country,” FRP’s Sylvi Listhaug said.
The four opposition parties, which have a majority in the Storting, have gathered around a total of nine measures.
Listhaug says that the FRP wanted to go further but did not get the majority on measures such as 24-hour staffing of all border stations, mandatory corona testing on entry, rejection of foreign corona tests, and tightened of the entry regulations.
“But we are happy that we have gathered the opposition around a number of proposals that go in the right direction,” she added.
The proposals include, among other things, providing the municipalities with sufficient resources to increase the test capacity. The parties also called for a better control system for compliance with test obligations and quarantine obligations.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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