Human rights violations are among the reasons why the Norwegian Physiotherapists’ Association (NFF) has decided to boycott a world conference in Dubai.
The congress will be organized by the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) in 2021.
It will thus take place without Norwegian physiotherapists present, after the NFF decided at this year’s annual general meeting to boycott the conference on the following grounds:
“WCPT’s upcoming World Congress will be held in Dubai, in the Emirates, a country without organizational freedom, and where physio therapists are discriminated against on the basis of ethnicity and sexual orientation.”
The NFF also points to reports of fundamental human rights violations in the host country and points out that these are values that the organization should uphold.
– We should highlight that we do not accept practices where human rights violations occur, the statement states.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
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