Norwegian sanctions against Russia have entered into force

Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB

The announced sanctions against Russia have entered into force on Friday. “The most comprehensive sanctions ever in Norwegian law,” the Minister of Foreign Affairs Anniken Huitfeldt said.

The extensive sanctions against Russia were adopted on Friday morning.

With an amendment to a regulation “on restrictive measures regarding actions that undermine or threaten Ukraine’s territorial integrity, sovereignty, independence, and stability,” Norway has backed EU sanctions to financially affect Russian President Vladimir Putin’s regime and his supporters.

“The sanctions that Norway is now introducing are massive and extensive. The sanctions will affect the financing of Russia’s illegal warfare in Ukraine,” Huitfeldt noted in a press release.

Violation of the measures is punishable, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs asks Norwegian companies to be careful and look at the measures if there is reason to believe that listed companies and individuals are involved in business activities.

“Norwegian banks must have good systems for stopping payments that are attempted to be made to listed persons and companies,” the Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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2 Comments on "Norwegian sanctions against Russia have entered into force"

  1. The expression on Anniken’s face in that photo is like someone very unsure if they are doing the right thing.
    I went to the English news release on the government’s webpage, and there is this
    “They also target individuals in Russia and Belarus who have been involved in … the attempts to justify the invasion.”
    I went to the Norwegian document, and trying to run it through Google Translate is an adventure, but Russian and Belarusan propagandists are also being targeted.
    And questioning the Kyiv government’s legitimacy and/or territorial integrity is also an offense.

    So is someone in Norway – especially a non-citizen like a permanent resident – who expresses objective, independent reasons for questioning the Kyiv government’s legitimacy and/or seeing the Russian invasion as justified to be classified as a “propagandist” now?

    This is looking like wartime censorship. My younger children here need me, so I don’t want to get kicked out of Norway. What government agency do I go to for clarification?

    I assume I can still raise my concerns about the acute need for civil defense/sivillforsvars on here, but until I get that clarification, I won’t be able to address the basic issues of the war itself in-person in a public forum in Norway or – I presume – on any Norwegian website like this.

    God help us all, especially our kids.

    • Vernon Childers | 19. March 2022 at 16:08 | Reply

      Try looking up “Why is Ukraine the West’s Fault? Featuring John Mearsheimer”. He has a very good take on what has caused all of this. When has any warfare been legal?

      This may be an existential question, but why, indeed, do people go to war?

      One reason people and nations go to war is to settle a dispute that they are unable to resolve peacefully. The stubbornness exhibited in this case is often based on a lie that is perpetuated and repeated so much that even the party that is lying often starts believing it.
      While war often happens when both parties are lying to themselves and others, often it takes one side’s lie for a war to break.

      If war is therefore the result of a lie, what happens when everyone attempts to tell the truth?

      First, it is often hard to know where the truth is. And there you have it. I could go on but there is not enough space here to continue.

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