There are major differences in how health regions have prepared themselves for the coronavirus. Only Health Southeast decided to order additional equipment in late January.
This is what Aftenposten writes, which has been in contact with the four regional health authorities.
Only South-East Health, which covers Eastern Norway and Southern Norway, decided to equip an additional emergency storage facility with extra equipment at the end of January. They report to the newspaper that they have enough equipment for three to six months, and that they payed special attention to respiratory protection (mouthwash, journaling notes) and goggles.
Health Central Norway and Health West have not made any additional orders for equipment.
– We relate to information and coordination from the Directorate of Health. And since the outbreak started in China, we have followed the request of WHO International and the Ministry of Health nationally not to hoard equipment, the two health regions write in two identical comments to Aftenposten.
Health north writes to the newspaper that they made an assessment of expected equipment consumption in the event of an outbreak. In some cases, some of the local health agencies “have had to supplement in some areas,” they write.
In addition to the equipment stores of the various hospitals, there is a central warehouse.
Department Director Svein Lie of the Directorate of Health tells Aftenposten that the health regions handle the situation differently, and that they have collected data weekly for what equipment they have. If someone runs out of equipment, it is possible to redistribute it, says Lie.
© NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today
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