Over 100 couples on the waiting list for an egg donor in Norway

PregnantPhoto: mali desha / Unsplash

It has been around one year since egg donation has been allowed in Norway, but there are far fewer donors available than couples who want help getting pregnant.

TV 2 has obtained figures from four of the five clinics that offer egg donation in Norway. The figures show that only 27 women are approved donors, while there are a total of 116 couples on the waiting list.

In May of 2020, the parliamentary majority decided to allow egg donation in Norway, and in January the following year, egg donation was formally allowed.

Finland’s experience

Clinic manager Nan Birgitte Oldereid at one of the clinics, Livio Oslo, believes there will be a sufficient offer in the long run. She points out that in Finland, which has allowed the practice for many years, there is a steady stream of egg donors who contact the clinics.

State Secretary Karl Kristian Bekeng told TV 2 that it is a pity that there is a shortage of donors.

“It is, of course, desirable to recruit more donors, but it must also be done voluntarily,” Bekeng said.

He pointed out that this is a relatively new offer and that it is possible to consider additional measures, such as information campaigns, over time.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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