According to figures from the UDI, 207 au pairs have been expelled from Norway due to a violation of the Immigration Act over the past three years wrote Aftenposten newspaper.
A total of 229 persons who had previously had au pair permits have been expelled between 2016 and 2019.
207 of these were expelled for violations of the Immigration Act, for example by having worked illegally, provided incorrect information or by not leaving the country despite a decision on this.
The Philippine au pair of Justice Minister, Jøran Kallmyr of Fremskrittsparti (FRP), received notice of expulsion from the Directorate of Immigration in May. The reason for the rejection of the application for a renewed residence permit is linked to the two months before she provided all papers to the police.
The UDI believes that the Minister of Justice and his family had had an au pair without legal residence permits since last autumn.
Department Director, Karl Erik Sjøholt of the UDI, told Aftenposten that on a general basis it is normal procedure to report host familieswho have used an au pair without a residence permit.
The woman herself says that she did not work with the family during the period from 22 August to 12 October, before she had provided
documentation and applied for a new au pair permit from the police.
Kallmyr had also refused for her to work with them during this period, saying that she only stayed with them as a guest.
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