With the Conservative (H) bus and boat, Prime Minister Erna Solberg is embarking on the year’s first election campaign tour. She is after four more years in government.
The slogan “Erna is the star” from 2017 has been replaced with “Speed up Norway.”
“This year, it will mostly be about politics,” Solberg said. On Thursday, she is setting course for Hurdal, Hønefoss, Nøtterøy, and Larvik.
On Friday and Saturday, she will visit the southern pearls of Tvedestrand, Grimstad, and Kristiansand.
On the trip, Solberg will focus on a number of different topics, such as health, sports and volunteering, exclusion, and not least job and value creation.
– Why did you choose Southern Norway to kick off the election campaign?
“These are areas where we need to pick up voters. Southern Norway is an important area for the Conservatives,” Solberg said.
Nationally, support for the Conservative Party has fallen to 21.6%, 3.5% lower than in the last parliamentary election. In Southern Norway, the decline is even more marked, according to the latest local opinion polls.
For example, in the former Aust-Agder, the Conservatives have just over 20% support in the latest local poll – compared to 25.6% in the election in 2017, figures from Poll of polls show.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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