One man died in a frontal collision between a car and a lorry on the E6 at Olavsgård in Lillestrøm Municipality.
The police reported the accident at 10:39 PM on Wednesday. Shortly afterward, they stated that at least one person had died.
“A man in his 40s has been confirmed as deceased. Relatives have been notified,” the Eastern Police District reported at 5:30 AM.
Prior to the accident, there were reports that a car was driving in the opposite direction in the area.
“Shortly afterward, we received a message that it had run into a lorry,” operations manager Kristian Loraas told Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK).
The police told the newspaper VG that the driver of the lorry was unharmed. No one else was involved in the accident.
The road was closed after the accident but was reopened during the night. The police and the Norwegian Public Roads Administration have carried out investigations on the spot.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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