Police are investigating possible sexual assault during a party at Brann Stadium in Bergen

Brann StadiumPhoto: Marit Hommedal / NTB

Police have started an investigation based on information about an alleged sexual assault during a party involving several Brann players at the stadium on Tuesday night.

The after-party at the football club’s stadium in Bergen has received a lot of media coverage in recent days. On Thursday, Brann management said they had finished dealing with the party, but the case took a new turn on Friday.

The Western Police District stated that they have not received any report in the case but that – based on existing information and their own investigations – there is a basis for investigating whether anything criminal has happened.

“We are at the very beginning of the investigation and do not want to elaborate, but we believe that the information we have is such that there is a basis for an investigation,” prosecutor Gunnar Fløystad in the Western Police District told news bureau NTB.

One suspect

Fløystad did not want to say more about the investigation that has been carried out. However, he confirmed that a woman is being treated as a victim in the case and that one man has the status of a suspect. No one has been arrested so far in the case.

“The victim has been appointed a lawyer. We’ve had a dialogue with the victim, but I can not say anything about the dialogue with her.”

A lot of people present at the party

Brann did not want to comment on the case until they get a better overview of the situation. The club’s media spokesman, Thomas Brakstad, says that the club will cooperate with the police.

It is already known that twelve Brann players took part in the festivities at the stadium on Tuesday night this week. There was a lot of alcohol, and seven young women outside the Brann troop’s cohort are said to have attended the party.

The club’s management reacted strongly to the incident, as the players were not allowed to be in the stadium, and the infection control regulations were broken. But the club chose not to exclude any of the players.

“They have broken internal rules, they have apologized, and they understood the seriousness (of the situation), and now we can move on from this matter. There will be no exclusions from the team, I can say that,” general manager Vibeke Johannesen in Brann told the newspaper Bergens Tidende on Thursday.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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