Posted By: Robin-Ivan Capar 10. September 2021

The holiday islands of Crete and Cyprus are no longer “dark red,” and travelers from Crete and Cyprus to Norway will not be quarantined from Monday. At the same time, five Finnish and one Swedish region will turn “green.”

Travelers from Corsica will also be released from quarantine hotel duty from Monday. At the same time, the Norwegian government is introducing requirements for entry quarantine for Slovakia.

The UK is now the only “dark red” country with quarantine hotel requirements. In addition, the South Aegean Islands (Greece) and the Ionian Islands (Greece) are still “dark red.”

The Swedish region of Norrbotten will turn “green” and have no entry restrictions from Monday.

Five Finnish regions will also turn “green.” The changes will take effect from Monday.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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