“Reception center guards” will look after the schoolchildren in Baerum

Bærum municipality will bring their own guards to ensure that children arrive safely to the school past the new reception center in Lysaker.

The new reception center is a few hundred meters from Lysaker primary school, vey close to the underpass which many school children use daily.

The employees in Bærum municipality’s department for roads and traffic stand will shortly stand guard at the underpass at E18 in yellow vests writes the local newspaper Budstikka.

– It was the wish of the parents who attended  an information meeting about the reception center in December to have an adult person at the underpass when children go to school. The municipality then said that we must ensure  their safety. We are taking these steps to ensure that this happens,  Acting Superintendent Susanne Kaaløy in Bærum said.

The “Reception center guards” will stand guard half an hour in the morning at the underpass. Norwegian People’s Aid also has  security guards at the reception center.


Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today

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