The status of being the European ‘Environmental’ Capital in 2019 will cost taxpayers 118 million kroner. Høyre (H) called the amount ‘insane’ and protested.
“I think it’s a crazy money,” said Høyre’s group leader Eirik Lae Solberg to NRK news.
The city council asked for a further NOK 100 million in a revised Oslo budget in addition to the 18 that have been there from before. The money will be used to mark the fact that Oslo has been named the European Environment Capital city for 2019 by the EU.
“This is money that could have paid 150 teachers for a year, that we could use to strengthen public transport, and we could make a much stronger effort to help children and young people living under difficult conditions and who are likely to be recruited into bad environments.
Oslo,however, wishes to point out that Oslo has become the environmental capital.
“Therefore, we have proposed to allocate NOK 10 million in revised funding,as well as the 18 already granted for a sober, but clear indication that Oslo is the environmental capital,” said Lae Solberg.
The Fremskrittsparti (Frp) would cut the entire grant of 100 million, while the Christian People’s Party (Kristelig Folkeparti – KrF and the Left (Venstre) proposed to halve the amount.
City council leader Raymond Johansen of Arbeiderpartiet (AP) defended the money usage to NRK news in May.
“I understand that it may sound like a lot of money, but I mean we would place great emphasis on using this money wisely and sensibly. I think we’d get very much out of it at the other end’’.
© NTB scanpix / #Norway Today
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