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Seven out of ten mayors: Norway can handle 100,000 refugees 

Photo: AP Photo / Bernat Armangue

Norway can easily accommodate 100,000 refugees or more, according to 70% of the mayors surveyed. Of the 356 mayors in Norway, 257 responded to the survey.

As many as 93% see no problems in accepting at least 35,000 refugees, which is the number the government has estimated for this year, Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK) reported on Tuesday. 

The authorities are planning for at least 100,000 refugees. Almost 70% believe that taking in 100,000 refugees would not pose problems or that Norway should accept even more. 

However, many are unsure of the capacity of mental health care and the availability of interpreters.

54.2% said “no” or “do not know” to the question of whether their municipality has enough Ukrainian interpreters. Furthermore, 50.2% answered “no” or “do not know” to whether there is enough capacity in mental health care.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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