Seven out of ten women think fur farming should be banned in Norway, while four out of ten men think the same.
– Women have historically had a connection to the fur. For generations, the use of fur reflected and symbolized high status.However, after becoming more aware of the situation of the animals, it has become harder for women to wear fur, trend researcher Gunn Helen Øye says to Nationen.
A recent survey Sentio has done for the newspaper, reveals that a large majority of women are highly critical of fur farming – and that the number of women opposed to them is almost twice the number of men.
Communication Manager in the Animal Welfare Alliance, Live Kleveland, thinks that it is surprising that gender difference is so pronounced.
– Women have always been more concerned with animal protection, but we have never before seen such a marked difference in our surveys.
I think the reason may be that women increasingly are getting involved politically and also use their role as a consumer to try to bring about change, by not buying real fur, for example, she says.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today