Søreide: Strong arguments in favor of Stoltenberg staying on as NATO chief

Photo: Terje Bendiksby / NTB

Former Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide (H) believes there are strong arguments in favor of Jens Stoltenberg continuing to work as Secretary-General of NATO.

Stoltenberg has received repeated calls from several important NATO countries to continue working as NATO Secretary-General.

Søreide, who now heads the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, believes that Norway should support such an extension – if Stoltenberg wants to continue working there, according to the newspaper VG.

“Jens Stoltenberg is doing a very good job as the Secretary-General of NATO and enjoys great trust in the alliance. We are now in the midst of the most serious security situation in Europe in several decades, and there are strong arguments in favor of continuity in the leadership position in NATO,” she said.

Stoltenberg’s contract as Secretary-General of NATO expires on October 1 this year. Stoltenberg has said he does not want to continue holding the post, and he is now among the applicants for the position of head of the central bank in Norway.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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1 Comment on "Søreide: Strong arguments in favor of Stoltenberg staying on as NATO chief"

  1. Ine may be right. Jens may be at least somewhat moderate – although Kai Eide’s criticism of his leaning against Russia was justified.
    We certainly don’t want a compulsive confrontationist like the Dane Rasmussen in there again.

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