Steen comments on increase in Oslo infection rates: “We are following the situation”

Robert SteenPhoto: Berit Roald / NTB

When the infection rates are as low as they are now, a small increase seems more dramatic than it is, Health Councilor Robert Steen said about the infection increase in Oslo.

“Even though there is no talk of a large increase in the numbers, we are, of course, following the situation. But we must be careful about drawing any hasty conclusions. The infection rates have been low for a long time, and the reopening is going well,” he told news bureau NTB.

Steen believes the increase seems more dramatic since the infection rates in Oslo are so low now.

“People must still remember to keep their distance, wash their hands, and stay at home if they have symptoms,” he added.

Above average

A total of 34 new corona infection cases have been registered in Oslo in the last 24 hours, which is 15 cases above the average of the previous seven days.

In the last two weeks, an average of 20 infection cases has been registered per day.

Most infected in Nordstrand

The infection rates are highest in the Nordstrand district. The infection pressure there amounts to 80 infected per 100,000 inhabitants in the last two weeks.

The Grorud district currently has the lowest infection rates, with 14 infected per 100,000 inhabitants in the last two weeks.

A total of 37,568 Oslo citizens have been registered as infected since March last year.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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