Survey shows large majority in Finland supports NATO membership 

Helsinki - FinlandPhoto: Jussi Nukari / Lehtikuva via AP

76% of people polled in a new poll in Finland say they support NATO membership.

Only 12% of those surveyed say they are opposed to Finnish NATO membership, according to the survey conducted for the broadcaster Yle.

The proportion of NATO supporters has risen sharply since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24. Before the invasion, 53% of those polled favored NATO membership.

Two weeks later, the proportion had increased to 62%, and today it is at 76%, the survey shows.

Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews

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2 Comments on "Survey shows large majority in Finland supports NATO membership "

  1. A survey so overwhelming is not likely to be biased/rigged.

    So the Finns are sure they want to join an alliance at war against their nuclear superpower next-door neighbor.
    This will greatly increase the war’s already extremely high strategic tension.

  2. Oh wow.

    It seems the British Daily Express newspaper has conducted a survey, too, of Americans likely to vote in November, and it’s a shock. It seems that Biden&Blinken&Austin (and our Congressional warpigs*) are WAY out ahead of our American pack. We disapprove of their Ukraine War and of the skyrocketing inflation in no small part caused by it.

    My/Black(est)Arrow’s comment below the Express article and then under Washington Post’s article about Joe Biden signing a new (pre-war) Lend-Lease Act:

    Yes, kinsmen, for some reason after having been lied into one neocon war after another, we don’t want to get dragged by Biden and his entourage and the Europeans and you British into another one, let alone against a threatening nuclear superpower to which you seem so arrogantly oblivious.

    I ask readers here to carefully consider my column – even published on Yahoo! News, to my shock – “Lou Coatney: Russia now left with no option but nuclear war” exposing the lies underlying this one.

    And during Qs&As [after his Institutt Forsvars Studier lecture] I can remember *expressing* to British Defence official Ian B. some years ago that “We cannot go to war on a LIE.”

    As well, on LinkedIn I have a white paper listing Biden&Blinken’s 9 motives for wanting and getting this entirely unnecessary tragedy, if not holocaust.

    Take care of your families.
    And I ask readers to carefully consider my original comment here now 100 below which begins:

    “Non-veteran” Joe Biden role-playing FDR – and us – on into World War 3.

    * warpig is a legitimate political term for war-rabid politicians.

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