Islamists are said to have made contact with newly arrived asylum seekers at the Police Immigration Unit at Tøyen in Oslo.
An asylum seeker Dagbladet has talked with says he was approached by an Islamist and asked why he had come to Norway and if he supported Assad, the Free Syrian Army (FSA) or IS.
– We wondered why they asked us about our stances and we became very anxious. It seemed like an interrogation, another applicant tells Dagbladet.
Several of the asylum seekers are said to have perceived the meeting as uncomfortable.
This immigration unit at Toyen was not familiar with this information, but the Police Security Service confirms that they know that Islamists are approaching asylum seekers. They would, however, not comment on whether this happens directly under the noses of the police.
– We are aware that people who are linked to these communities seek asylum seekers. It is a vulnerable group for radicalization and we are concerned about recruitment to extremist groups , says Siv Alsén, senior adviser in PST.
Last autumn NRK wrote that Torshov transit center several times has been visited by people who may have had the intention to radicalize asylum seekers.
Source: NTB scanpix / Norway Today