Police arrested three men on Friday night. They suspected the three of having injured a fourth man with a “sharp object” on Karl Johan in Oslo, but now, all three have been released.
“The three men were all released after questioning. Now the investigation continues. That is what I can say about the case,” Mona Nordby at the Oslo Police District told news bureau NTB on Sunday.
The three men were arrested in the Eastern Police District, the Oslo police stated at 10:30 PM on Friday.
The incident happened in Karl Johans gate 12 around 6:00 PM, and according to the police, it all started with a fight at the Nike store in the middle of Karl Johans gate.
A man then ran into the store, where he is said to have been stabbed.
Running down Karl Johans gate with a machete
A witness that newspaper Avisa Oslo spoke to says that several young men ran down Karl Johans gate with a machete.
The injured man was taken care of by ambulance personnel before he was taken to the emergency room for treatment of minor injuries, according to Avisa Oslo.
A passer-by reported the incident and saw three men running from the scene. The police have secured video recordings of parts of the course of events.
Source: © NTB Scanpix / #Norway Today / #NorwayTodayNews
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